Roster Updates Standard

RIXML Roster Updates Standard logo


The Roster Updates Standard provides publishers with a standard vehicle for communicating analyst roster information to clients and aggregator partners. This schema leverages major elements already defined within the RIXML schema proper, but also provides a new top-level element and structure for specifying adds, updates, and deletes for organizations and people. The typical use case would be creating analyst roster files for a given publisher. 

The RIXML Roster Updates Standard includes both a set of tags and a set of rules to ensure consistent usage of these tags.

The RIXML Roster Updates Standard is part of the RIXML Standards Suite, which is also includes the RIXML Research Standard, the RIXML Interactions Standard, and the RIXML Coverage Updates Standard.

Current production release:  RIXML Roster Updates Standard 2.5

The current production version of the RIXML Roster Updates Standard is version 2.5. It was released on September 21, 2017, and became the production version on December 15, 2017, in conjunction with the version 2.5 release of the RIXML Research Standard.

Version 2.5 does not break backward-compatibility with the initial version. That is, a RIXML roster update record that validates against version 2.4 will also validate against version 2.5.

Older versions

Older versions of the RIXML Roster Updates Standard can be found on the Version History page.


Documentation for the RIXML Roster Updates Standard is included in the Data Dictionary, Implementation Guide, and release notes for the RIXML v2.5 release.

Data Dictionary

Pages 136 of the RIXML v2.5 Data Dictionary cover the tags used in the RIXML Roster Updates Standard, while pages 7-21 contain important information about implementing any of the standards in the RIXML Standards Suite.The purpose of the RIXML v2.5 Data Dictionary outlines the approach we took in creating the RIXML Standard Suite and also explains some fundamental concepts such as XML, object modeling, schemas, etc. Diagrams of the RIXML object model are included, as are definitions for the elements and attributes.
Download the RIXML v2.5 Data Dictionary(.pdf)

Implementation Guide

The RIXML v2.5 Implementation Guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the other components of the release. The Implementation Guide outlines the approach taken by in creating the RIXML standards, explains the fundamental concepts regarding tagging and XML, and provides guidance for implementing the RIXML Standards Suite. It also explains some of the core principles of the standard and defines some best practices for implementing it. 
Download the RIXML v2.5 Implementation Guide (.pdf)

Release Notes

The RIXML Roster Updates Standard v2.5 contains only minor changes from the prior release.  Highlights of changes in the v2.5 release of the RIXML Standards Suite can be found in the release notes. 
Download the Release Notes. (.pdf)

Reference Links

Improving efficiency and streamlining workflows are core concepts behind RIXML. Therefore, RIXML standards leverage ISO or other standards already in common use in the investment industry whenever possible.  Learn more about the other standards utilized within the RIXML Standards Suite.


There are three XSD files used by the RIXML Roster Updates Standard.  These represent the relationships and components as defined by the object model. These files can also be used to validate individual coverage update records to ensure they are RIXML-compliant. 

The following schema files contain the tags used in the RIXML Coverage Updates Standard: 

RIXML Coverage Updates main schema – contains the roster update-specific tags used in the RIXML Roster Updates Standard

RIXML Common schema – contains the tags used in multiple places in the Roster Updates Standard and/or used in more than one standard in the RIXML Standards Suite

RIXML Data Types schema – contains the valid values for the enumeration lists used in the RIXML Standards Suite

Coverage Updates Standard

RIXML Coverage Updates Standard logo


The RIXML Coverage Updates Standard provides publishers with a standard vehicle for communicating coverage information to clients and aggregator partners. This schema leverages major elements already defined within the RIXML Research Standard, but also provides a new top-level element and structure for specifying adds, updates, and deletes for pairings of covering entities (organizations and people) and covered entities (asset classes, asset types, security types, issuers, securities, sector/industries, regions, countries, indices, and disciplines).

The RIXML Coverage Updates Standard includes both a set of tags and a set of rules to ensure consistent usage of these tags.

The RIXML Coverage Updates Standard is part of the RIXML Standards Suite, which is also includes the RIXML Research Standard, the RIXML Interactions Standard, and the RIXML Roster Updates Standard.

Current production release:  RIXML Coverage Updates Standard 2.5

The current production version of the RIXML Coverage Updates Standard is version 2.5. It was released on September 21, 2017, and became the production version on December 15, 2017, in conjunction with the version 2.5 release of the RIXML Research Standard.

Version 2.5 does not break backward-compatibility with the initial version. That is, a RIXML coverage update record that validates against version 2.4 will also validate against version 2.5.

Older versions

Older versions of the RIXML Coverage Updates Standard can be found on the Version History page.


Documentation for the RIXML Coverage Updates Standard is included in Data Dictionary, Implementation Guide, and release notes for the RIXML Research Standard v2.5.

Data Dictionary

Pages 137-138 of the RIXML v2.5 Data Dictionary cover the tags used in the RIXML Coverage Updates Standard, while pages 7-21 contain important information about implementing any of the standards in the RIXML Standards Suite.The purpose of the RIXML v2.5 Data Dictionary outlines the approach we took in creating the RIXML Standard Suite and also explains some fundamental concepts such as XML, object modeling, schemas, etc. Diagrams of the RIXML object model are included, as are definitions for the elements and attributes.
Download the RIXML v2.5 Data Dictionary(.pdf)

Implementation Guide

The RIXML v2.5 Implementation Guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the other components of the release. The Implementation Guide outlines the approach taken by in creating the RIXML standards, explains the fundamental concepts regarding tagging and XML, and provides guidance for implementing the RIXML Standards Suite. It also explains some of the core principles of the standard and defines some best practices for implementing it. 
Download the RIXML v2.5 Implementation Guide (.pdf)

Release Notes

Page 29 of the RIXML Research Standard v2.5 release notes contains information on changes in the RIXML Coverage Updates Standard. 
Download the Release Notes. (.pdf)

Reference Links

Improving efficiency and streamlining workflows are core concepts behind RIXML. Therefore, RIXML standards leverage ISO or other standards already in common use in the investment industry whenever possible.  Learn more about the other standards utilized within the RIXML Standards Suite.


There are three XSD files used by the RIXML Coverage Updates Standard.  These represent the relationships and components as defined by the object model. These files can also be used to validate individual coverage update records to ensure they are RIXML-compliant. 

The following schema files contain the tags used in the RIXML Coverage Updates Standard: 

RIXML Coverage Updates main schema – contains the coverage update-specific tags used in the RIXML Coverage Updates Standard

RIXML Common schema – contains the tags used in multiple places in the Coverage Updates Standard and/or used in more than one standard in the RIXML Standards Suite

RIXML Data Types schema – contains the valid values for the enumeration lists used in the RIXML Standards Suite

Older Versions

Summary of current and prior versions of all RIXML Standards

The RIXML Standards Suite has included the following versions:

RIXML Research Standard  v2.5 (current)      v2.4   v2.3.1   v2.3   v2.2   v2.1   v2.0   v1.0 
RIXML Interactions Standard v2.0 (current)     v1.0
RIXML Coverage Updates Standard     v2.5 (current)     v2.4
RIXML Roster Updates Standard v2.5 (current)     v2.4

Documentation and schema files for all versions of the standards in the RIXML Standards Suite are below: 

RIXML Research Standard

Release: RIXML Research Standard v2.4
Release date: 05 Feb 2013
Comments: Added terms and definitions to many enumeration lists; added major new element for describing organization expertise (with sub-structure); added additional person details; updated structure of Rating element; added mirror tags for certain tags to enable formatting. Does not break backward-compatibility with version 2.3.1.
Documentation: RIXML Standards Data Dictionary (.pdf)
RIXML v2.4 Release Notes (.pdf)
RIXML Research Level One v2.4 Definition Document (.pdf)
Schema files: RIXML Research Schema v2.4 Main (.xsd)
RIXML Schema v2.4 Common (.xsd)
Schema Data Types (.xsd)


Release: RIXML Research Standard v2.3.1
Release date: 11 Jan 2010
Comments: Patch release containing a spelling correction to one of the enumerations. Does not break backward-compatibility with version 2.3.
Documentation: RIXML Research Standard v2.3.1 User Guide (.pdf)
RIXML v2.3.1 Release Notes (.pdf)
RIXML Research v2.3.1 Level One Definition Document (.pdf)
Schema files: RIXML Research Schema v2.3.1 Main (.xsd)
RIXML Common v2.3.1 Schema (.xsd)
RIXML Data Types v2.3.1 Schema (.xsd)


Release: RIXML Research Standard v2.3
Release date: 13 Apr 2009
Comments: Improved definitions of more than 120 enumerated values; changed some tag cardinalities from required to optional based on real-world use cases that demonstrated that some tags formerly marked as required did not always apply and should be optional. Does not break backward-compatibility with version 2.2.

RIXML Research Standard v2.3 User Guide (.pdf)
RIXML v2.3 Release Notes (.pdf)
RIXML Research v2.3 Level One Definition Document (.pdf) 

Schema files: RIXML Research Schema v2.3 Main (.xsd)
RIXML Schema v2.3 Common (.xsd)
RIXML Schema v2.3 Data Types (.xsd)



RIXML Research Standard v2.2

Release date: 26 Mar 2005
Comments: Updated specification to facilitate use of XBRL tagging; also imposes constraints on the tags covering language, currency, and country codes in order to enforce use of corresponding ISO standards. Does not break backward-compatibility with version 2.1.
Documentation: RIXML Research Standard v2.2 User Guide (.pdf)
RIXML Research Standard v2.2 Release Notes (.pdf)
RIXML Research v2.2 Level One Definition Document (.pdf)
Schema files: RIXML Research v2.2 Schema Main (.xsd)
RIXML Schema v2.2 Common (.xsd)
RIXML Schema v2.2 Data Types (.xsd)



RIXML Research Standard v2.1

Release date: 25 Mar 2003
Comments: Major release incorporating updated information regarding tagging of ratings. Does break backward-compatibility with 1.0 and 2.0.
Documentation: RIXML Research v2.1 User Guide (.pdf)
RIXML Research v2.1 Release Notes (.pdf)
Schema file: RIXML Research v2.1 Schema (.xsd)



RIXML Research Standard v2.0

Release date: 20 Jun 2002
Comments: Major release pulling together improvements along five vectors: globalization, events, distribution/entitlements, financial data, and fixed income. Does break backward-compatibility with 1.0.
Documentation: RIXML Research v2.0 User Guide (.pdf)
RIXML Research v2.0 Summary (.xls)
Schema file: RIXML Research v2.0 Schema (.xsd)



RIXML Research Standard v1.0                                                                                                              

Release date: 20 Jun 2001
Comments: Initial production release of the RIXML standard.
Documentation: RIXML Research v1.0 User Guide (.pdf)
RIXML Research v1.0 Release Notes (.pdf)
Schema file: RIXML Research v1.0 Schema Common (.xsd)


RIXML Interactions Standards

Release: RIXML Interactions Standard v2.0
Release date: 05 Sep 2019

Major update to RIXML Interactions Standard.  The Interactions Standard will now utilize tags and tag sets (simple and complex elements, attributes, and complex types) from the common schema currently utilized by the other RIXML standards. Also, the method of identifying the number and types of firms involved in an interaction has been improved, the tags used to identify the firms and individuals involved in an interaction have been reorganized, the ability to connect related interactions has been enhanced, the ability to connect related research content has been added, and the mechanism to track the status of both the interaction itself and of each participant in the context of the interaction has been refined.

Documentation: RIXML Interactions v2.0 Data Dictionary (.pdf)
Schema files: RIXML Interactions v2.0 main schema (.xsd)
RIXML Common v2.6 schema (.xsd)
RIXML Data Types v2.6 schema (.xsd)



RIXML Interactions Standard v1.0

Release date: 1 Nov 2017
Comments: Initial production release of the RIXML Interactions Standard.  The RIXML Interactions Standard is designed to help firms comply with the European Union’s revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II).
Documentation: RIXML Interactions v1.0 Data Dictionary
Schema files: RIXML Interactions v1.0 schema


RIXML Coverage Updates Standard

Release: RIXML Coverage Updates Standard v2.4
Release date: 05 Feb 2013
Comments: Initial production release of RIXML Coverage Updates Standard.  Does not break backward-compatibility with version 2.3.1.
Documentation: RIXML Standards Data Dictionary (.pdf)
RIXML v2.4 Release Notes (.pdf)
Schema files: RIXML Coverage Updates v2.4 Main (.xsd)
RIXML Schema v2.4 Common (.xsd)
Schema Data Types (.xsd)


RIXML Roster Updates Standard

Release: RIXML Roster Updates Standard v2.4
Release date: 05 Feb 2013
Comments: Initial production release of RIXML Roster Updates.  Does not break backward-compatibility with version 2.3.1.
Documentation: RIXML Standards Data Dictionary (.pdf)
RIXML v2.4 Release Notes (.pdf)
RIXML Research Level One v2.4 Definition Document (.pdf)
Schema files RIXML Roster Updates v2.4 Main (.xsd)
RIXML v2.4 Common (.xsd)
RIXML v2.4 Data Types (.xsd)



Linkbacks Technical Implementation Guide

RIXML Linkbacks Guidance 


A linkback is a mechanism by which a research provider delivers content that is stored on its portal to end users through URL links provided via research distribution aggregation vendors. When accessed, the link directs the user to a report stored in the provider’s database. The aggregation vendor stores a link to the research content, rather than storing a copy of the content itself.

As this is an emerging area, each implementation is somewhat different.  However, the members of the RIXML Linkback Working Group worked together to identify the key discussion points and decisions involved with a linkback initiative.

The Technical Implementation Guide

Based on input from member firms, the RIXML Linkback Working Group has created the RIXML Investment Research Linkback Technical Implementation Guide. The purpose of this document is to summarize the requirements, steps, and best practices for an investment research linkback implementation. It covers:

  • a number of best practices surrounding implementing a linkback deployment.
  • guidance regarding authentication.
  • an overview of the steps involved in implementing a linkback deployment.

Research providers interested in setting up linkback solutions should consult with their research distribution vendors, as each implementation may be slightly different. Additionally, entitlements and readership reporting embargoes are not covered in this document; however, implementing a linkback framework will require the research provider and the aggregation vendor to integrate their existing entitlement strategy and embargo agreements into the linkback solution.

The RIXML Investment Research Linkback Technical Implementation Guide v1.0 was published on January 11, 2022, incorporating the feedback received during the comment period.  

Next steps

We see version 1 of the RIXML Investment Research Linkback Technical Implementation Guide as the first step.  We are encouraging member firms and others to share their insights, feedback, and observations as they implement a linkback strategy.  Once more firms have moved from the planning phase to the implementation phase, we expect to benefit from real-world experiences to develop the next version of this guide.

We will also be convening a group to discuss research reporting embargoes.  This is a topic that is closely related to linkbacks, but is also related to other delivery methods.  Because the individuals responsible for embargoes at each member firm are often not the same as for linkbacks, we will be convening a separate group.  


For more information

Please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you or a member of your firm would like more information or would like to participate in the Linkbacks Working Group and have not already done so.


Research Standard

RIXML Research Standard logo


The primary objective of the RIXML Research Standard is to provide extensive capabilities for enhancing any piece of financial research content, in any form or media, with tagging (also called metadata) that allows research consumers to search, sort, commingle, parse, and filter the published research.

The RIXML Research Standard includes both a set of tags and a set of rules to ensure consistent usage of these tags. The RIXML Research Standard contains a large number of tags, enabling extremely detailed tagging of research content. However, very few tags are required, so firms can decide what level of tagging works best for them and for the content of the research items they are describing.

To facilitate adoption of the standard, we have defined a subset of tags, known as RIXML Research Level One, that constitutes the highest-priority tags. This subset can be used for the initial implementation of the standard, or can be used as the long-term implementation.

The RIXML Research Standard is part of the RIXML Standards Suite, which is also includes the RIXML Interactions Standard, the RIXML Analyst Roster Standard, and the RIXML Coverage Standard.

Current production release:  RIXML Research Standard 2.5

The current production version of the RIXML Research Standard is version 2.5. It was released on September 21, 2017, and became the production version on December 15, 2017.

A summary of the changes and enhancements included in this release can be found in the press release announcing the finalization of this version.

In-depth information about these changes can be found in the Release Notes.  Version 2.5 does not break backward-compatibility with prior versions. That is, a RIXML instance document that validates against version 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 will also validate against version 2.5

Older versions

Older versions of the RIXML Research Standard can be found on the Version History page.


Documentation for the RIXML Research Standard includes a Data Dictionary, an Implementation Guide, and the release notes.

Data Dictionary

The purpose of the RIXML v2.5 Data Dictionary is to assist readers in their understanding of the RIXML Research Standard. It outlines the approach we took in creating the RIXML standard and also explains some fundamental concepts such as XML, object modeling, schemas, etc. Diagrams of the RIXML object model are included, as are definitions for the elements and attributes. 
Download the RIXML Research Data Dictionary(.pdf)

Implementation Guide

The RIXML Research Implementation Guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the other components of the release. The Implementation Guide outlines the approach taken by in creating the RIXML Research Standard, explains the fundamental concepts regarding tagging and XML, and provides guidance for implementing the RIXML Research Standard. It also explains some of the core principles of the standard and defines some best practices for implementing it. 
Download the RIXML Research Implementation Guide (.pdf)

Level One Addendum

RIXML Research Level One was initially launched as part of the release materials in v2.2 of the RIXML Research Standard. The Research Level One definition is merely a subset of the tags already present in the RIXML Research schema. The subset was defined through a series of prioritization exercises originally conducted in 2006 and carried forward through subsequent releases. The purpose of the Level One subset is to provide RIXML Research adopters with some guidance on where to start. The full RIXML Research schema is small by comparison to other industry standards, but still large enough to be daunting to some adopters. Level One lists the highest-priority tags. When we release an update to the RIXML Research schema, we review its impact on the Level One Definition and include an Addendum document in the release materials. 
Download the Level One Addendum (.pdf)

Release Notes

This document highlights the changes between version 2.4 of the RIXML Research Standard and version 2.5. 
Download the Release Notes. (.pdf)

Reference Links

Improving efficiency and streamlining workflows are core concepts behind RIXML. Therefore, RIXML standards leverage ISO or other standards already in common use in the investment industry whenever possible.  Learn more about the other standards utilized within the RIXML Standards Suite.


There are three XSD files used by the RIXML Research Standard.  These represent the relationships and components as defined by the object model. These files can also be used to validate instance documents to ensure they are RIXML-compliant. 

The following schema files contain the tags used in the RIXML Research Standard: 

RIXML Research main schema – contains the research-standard specific tags used in the RIXML Research Standard

RIXML Common schema – contains the tags used in multiple places in the Research Standard and/or used in more than one standard in the RIXML Standards Suite

RIXML Data Types schema – contains the valid values for the enumeration lists used in the RIXML Standards Suite