Improving efficiency and streamlining workflows are core concepts behind RIXML. Therefore, if there are ISO or other standards already in common use in the investment industry that relate to particular tags, the RIXML technical committee generally chooses to use those existing tags or standards rather than creating separate ones. Below are links to information regarding the other standards we utilize within the RIXML standard. The links provided here are external to

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Country Codes

In the RIXML specification, country codes are specified with the ISO 3166-1 specification. RIXML uses ISO 3166 2-character ISO standard for identifying countries. For example, the identifier for the United States is 'US', not 'USA' or 'U.S.' or 'United States'. A list of those two-character codes is available here.

Currency Codes

All currencies used within the RIXML specification adhere to the ISO 4217 three-character alphabetic codes. A list of those codes is available here.


RIXML uses ISO 8601 for all date/time tags. Further information can be found here.

GICS codes

The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) was developed by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) and Standard & Poor's (S&P). The GICS classifications are designed to provide the global financial community with accurate, complete and standard industry definitions. A list of those codes is available here.

ICB codes

Dow Jones Indexes and FTSE have created a classification system called the Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB). The system is supported by the ICB Universe Database, which contains over 40,000 companies and 45,000 securities worldwide from the FTSE and Dow Jones universes. The coverage makes the database a comprehensive tool for global sector analysis. Learn more here.

Language Codes

Both the Product and Resource objects use the ISO 639-2/T specification to identify language. For example, the identifier for English is ‘eng’, not ‘en’ or ‘English’). A list of the three-character language codes is available here.

Market Identifier Code

RIXML uses ISO 10383 Market Identifier Code found here.

Media Types (formerly MIME Types)

The RIXML Resource object has a tag for specifying the MIME type of the attached or linked media. MIME types are explained and defined in RFC 2046, available here.

XBRL for financial data

Because the XBRL protocol is designed to address the specific requirements of describing financial information, the RIXML specification directs users to insert the appropriate XBRL tags and content when they are tagging financial information. has an affiliated relationship with, where we interact at the working group level to build synergies and establish workflow integration, in order to exploit the mutual benefits of the tagging structure for research-published metadata tags and the rich financial data and accounting metadata tagging structure that offers. Our organization has played a prominent role participating in industry and topical forums. See for further details.



Friday session ad

Our Friday Topic Series has concluded; however, we are in the process of making replays of the presentation portion of many of these meetings available.  These videos include the list of questions we would like your input on as we plan for RIXML v3.0, so feel free to watch them and let us know your thoughts - and feel free to share them with your colleagues as well!



Tagging of Non-Standard Research